Today Gold Rate in Lahore

The current price of gold in Lahore as of 1 April 2024, according to the Lahore Jewelers Association, is Rs. 197,770 per 10 grams and Rs.227,690 per tola. The price of gold in Lahore changes frequently due to fluctuations in the international market, so it is rarely fixed. The best quality of gold is 24K, available in different types including 22K, 21K, 20K, and 18K. The current price of 22K gold in Lahore for 10 grams is   Rs.17,752.000 You can find the live updated gold rates for all karats in Lahore.

لاہور جیولرز ایسوسی ایشن کے مطابق 1 اپریل 2024 تک لاہور میں سونے کی موجودہ قیمت روپے ہے۔ 197,770 فی 10 گرام اور 227,690 روپے فی تولہ۔ بین الاقوامی منڈی میں اتار چڑھاؤ کی وجہ سے لاہور میں سونے کی قیمت اکثر بدلتی رہتی ہے، اس لیے اس کا تعین کم ہی ہوتا ہے۔ سونے کا بہترین معیار 24K ہے، جو مختلف اقسام میں دستیاب ہے بشمول 22K، 21K، 20K، اور 18K۔ لاہور میں 22K سونے کی 10 گرام کی موجودہ قیمت 17,752.000 روپے ہے آپ لاہور میں تمام قیراط کے سونے کے تازہ ترین نرخ دیکھ سکتے ہیں۔

Gold Purity Per Tola Per 10 Gram
24kRs 227,190Rs. 19,366,000
22kRs. 221,900Rs. 17,752.000
21kRs. 212,100Rs. 16,945,250
20kRs. 185,768Rs. 159,251
18kRs. 181556Rs. 14524500

Today Gold Rate in Lahore

Gold Rate in Lahore 2024

If you are curious about the current price of gold in Lahore, you should know that it changes frequently. People often want to know the price of gold in Sarafa Bazar for different quantities such as 1 gram, 10 grams, and 1 tola. The price also varies depending on the quality of the gold, which can be 24 karat, 22 karat, 21 karat, 20 karat, or 18 karat. So, if you plan to buy or sell gold, it is advisable to keep yourself updated on the latest gold rates in Lahore.
You should also note that the price of gold is not constant and fluctuates due to various factors. Since Pakistani Rupees are considered a low-value currency compared to other foreign currencies, the gold price in Lahore is generally higher. Therefore, if you want to invest in gold, it’s a good idea to keep an eye on the current gold rate in Lahore, which you can find on this website

Daily Gold Rates in Lahore (Last 07 Days)

Pure Gold Rates (24k) Per Tola 

Date Gold 10 gramsGold/ Tola24k Gold/Gram22k Gold /gram21k Gold/gram18k
1 April 2024197,770227,69019366177581694514524
31 Mar 202419257022460019302176931688914477
30Mar 2024
29Mar 2024191150222950191601756311676514370
28Mar 202418978022135019023174381664514267
27Mar 202419064022235019109175161672014332
26Mar 202418953022105018963173831659314222
25 Mar 202418897022040018942173631657414207
24 Mar 202418923022070018968173871659714226
23 Mar 202418935022085018980173981660814235
22 Mar 202418987022145019032174461665314274
21 Mar 202418953022105018998174151662314249
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